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​​​​The Senior & Recent Alumni Bank

The Senior & Recent Alumni Bank is a searchable directory that connects students with seniors and recent alumns. Students are able to email questions about their major, coursework, career plans, and other things related to their major of interest.

When utilizing the Senior Bank, students should do the following:

  • ​Create a list of questions to ask the senior you are contacting. Try to be specific where you can. Potential questions could include:

        • Why did they choose a specific major?

        • What are their courses like?

        • What do they plan to do when they graduate?

        • What campus involvement opportunities exist with their major?

  • Use an appropriate subject line, so the person you are contacting knows why you are contacting them.

  • Be patient! Members of the Senior & Recent Alumni Bank are often highly motivated and involved students who may not be able to respond to you immediately. Give them a couple days before sending a follow up email.

  • Make sure you send a thank you email afterwards!

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