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If you have  found this page it is likely that you are having some doubts about whether your current major at Ohio State is the right one for you.  Whether those doubts have crept in because the classes you are taking are more challenging than you expected them to be, you have started to wonder if your major is a good fit with your interests, or even if you're just not sure what you are going to do with your major after you graduate, University Exploration is here to help. 

On this page you will find information that will help you start investigating all of the other majors Ohio State has to offer as well as information on how our program would work with you should you decide to change your major. 

It is our sincere hope that if you are rethinking your academic direction at Ohio State that you will contact us so that we can be of assistance.  Changing your major can be challenging and we want to support you during this change!

Changing Campuses?

We work with a number of students who are changing from a regional Ohio State campus to Columbus campus.  In most cases, you will initiate your campus change request with your regional (home) campus advisor. 

Start Exploring:  Below are some links to get you started on your journey--the advisors in EXP have a lot more to share and we want to help you!

How EXP Helps Student Explore!

Ohio State Majors

What Can I Do With a Major In...

Fields of Study

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